Quality guarantee
To make your booking process and stay carefree, tourist agency Traveler guarantees the following: We have personally inspected and photographed the villas. We are a local, legally licensed, tourist agency. The descriptions of the villas on this website are as accurate as possible. The locations of the villas on our website are exact. You will not find the same Villa in the same period cheeper. Anywhere - guaranteed. All the villas have been inspected by the authorities of the Republic of Croatia and they are issued a licence to rent and categorised as holiday villas. The calendars are up to date and double bookings are not possible. The owners are bound by contract to make the Villas available to you as described. The villas are rented only for your exclusive use and the owners or other guests will not use any part of the property (house, garden or pool area) during your stay.You can also book cancelation, travel and property damage insurance (in association with Alliance insurance company) as an option so you do not have to worry about unforeseeable circumstances when booking early to secure your period. A property manager is at your disposal 24/7 for assistance during the booking process, before your arrival and during your stay.
You are getting the lowest possible price at the time of booking – guaranteed. All the villa owners are bound by contract to provide Traveler with the lowest rates on the market. In the very unlikely event that, before booking, you recive a better offer for the same property, contact us without delay. We will keep the lowest price and we will also give you an additional 5% discount.
To make your booking process and stay carefree, tourist agency Traveler guarantees the following: We have personally inspected and photographed the villas. We are a local, legally licensed, tourist agency. The descriptions of the villas on this website are as accurate as possible. The locations of the villas on our website are exact. You will not find the same Villa in the same period cheeper. Anywhere - guaranteed. All the villas have been inspected by the authorities of the Republic of Croatia and they are issued a licence to rent and categorised as holiday villas. The calendars are up to date and double bookings are not possible. The owners are bound by contract to make the Villas available to you as described. The villas are rented only for your exclusive use and the owners or other guests will not use any part of the property (house, garden or pool area) during your stay.You can also book cancelation, travel and property damage insurance (in association with Alliance insurance company) as an option so you do not have to worry about unforeseeable circumstances when booking early to secure your period. A property manager is at your disposal 24/7 for assistance during the booking process, before your arrival and during your stay.
You can also book cancelation, travel and property damage insurance (in association with Alliance insurance company) as an option so you do not have to worry about unforeseeable circumstances when booking early to secure your period. A property manager is at your disposal 24/7 for assistance during the booking process, before your arrival and during your stay.
For more information: https://vertretung.allianz.de/vr.schwabmuenchen/
For more information: https://vertretung.allianz.de/vr.schwabmuenchen/